Health Benefits of a Hot Tub

It’s been a long, hard day and soaking in a hot tub may be just the therapy you need to unwind and escape. Aside from helping you relax, it turns out that spending time in a hot tub may provide other benefits, too. The potential benefits of using a hot tub vary from person to person. Much depends on your overall health and how you use it.  To maximise the benefit of your hot tub soak and to minimise any potential risks, follow these simple guidelines: Avoid very hot water.  Make sure the water isn’t too hot, with an absolute maximum of 104°F (40°C). Stay hydrated.  Hot tubs make you… Read More

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Taking Care of your Sauna

A sauna is supposed to be a relaxing escape from your daily grind, not another chore.  Fortunately, saunas are very low maintenance and by following the advice below, it should only take 30 seconds per session and 15 minutes per month to keep your sauna in pristine condition.   Keep your sauna clean by laying a towel on the bench where you will be sitting before you use the sauna.  After you are done with the sauna you can wipe it down with a mixture of vinegar and water.  You should vacuum and scrub your sauna with a mild cleaner once per month.  Moisture is the breeding ground of bacteria. Because… Read More

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Health Benefits of Sauna Bathing

Much has been made of the health benefits of sauna bathing. With good reason. Physically, nothing is more reinvigorating than a deep, healthy sweat every day. Tension fades. Muscles unwind. Mentally, we emerge relaxed, revived and ready for whatever the day may bring. A few minutes a day is all it takes to look and feel better. The body’s response to gentle, persistent heat is well-documented and proven day in and out by people all over the world. Which is why more and more doctors are recommending its purifying benefits. 1. Saunas improve cardiovascular performance. Not surprisingly, sauna bathers most frequently cite stress reduction as the number one benefit of… Read More

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Sauna Bathing – The Pros & Cons

Saunas have long been touted for their detoxifying effects for the skin and body. But recently saunas have come under some scrutiny for being harmful to one’s health. Let’s weigh the pros and cons. PRO: Saunas provide a natural deep cleansing. Increased sweating caused by the sauna is a simple acceleration of one of the body’s natural mechanism for riding itself of impurities. CON: Saunas can over-dry your skin. Heat dries out skin, and the body’s natural reaction to dry skin is to create more oil to balance moisture levels. This could lead to an increase in breakouts and dry skin patches. PRO: Saunas relax and de-stress you. Stress is the ultimate enemy… Read More

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